The Current Board

Last Update: October 21, 2012

Sâbire İpek Demir, BK'14, Co-President

Ipek is a junior, majoring in the Ethics, Politics, and Economics program at Yale. Her academic interests lie in the areas of macroeconomic policies, international development, and post-conflict state building. Outside of class, she loves dancing, practicing with the Yale Pistol Team, and traveling (especially in Southeastern Europe!). She's ecstatic to be a part of the group that revived the YFT, and has been extensively using YFT as a means to bring Turkish food to campus on any possible occasion.

Yiğit Yorulmaz, CC'14, Co-President

Yiğit is a junior in Calhoun Calhoun College, majoring in Biomedical Engineering. Born and raised in Istanbul, Yiğit is thrilled to be a part of an organization that celebrates his native culture with Yalies from all over the world. His other activities include playing the piano for the Calhoun Orchestra for Collaborative Arts, of which he is the Artistic Director, organizing events for the Yale Biomedical Engineering Society and working as a tutor at the Yale Science & Quantitative Reasoning center.


Selin İşgüven, TC'15, Treasurer

Selin is a member of the Class of 2015 in Trumbull College. She is a biomedical engineering major and will serve as the treasurer of Biomedical Engineering Society as well. She values keeping in touch with the Turkish community at Yale; she is looking forward to working with the rest of the board this year.  

Selen Uman, BR'15, Social Chair

Selen is a sophomore in Branford College, majoring in Biomedical Engineering. She is so excited to be serving as the social chair of Yale Friends of Turkey. Her other extracurricular activities include taking photos for the Yale Daily News, giving health education to middle school students in New Haven, and working as a Turkish tutor. In her free time, Selen loves cooking Turkish food and throwing dinner parties for her friends.

Nick Titelbaum, CC'14, Intercultural Liaison

Nick is a junior in Calhoun College and a double major in South Asian Studies and Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology major. Born and raised an hour south of Boston, Nick has always been interested in exploring the world. At Yale, Nick is also involved in activities such as HAPPY (Hypertension Awareness Prevention Project at Yale) and the Yale Ecuador HIV Clinic Initiative. In his free time, Nick enjoys exploring the restaurants of New Haven and taking walks to East Rock. Nick hopes to travel to Turkey this spring break!

F. Mert Çelebi, BK'16

A freshman from Istanbul, Turkey, Mert is a member of Berkeley College, planning to major in Computer Science. Mert is motivated by cool ideas and believes that ‘www’ is the best medium to spread them, enrich the world around us and take us out of the small bubble that we live in. He loves creating original things and takes delight in the new, the smart and the innovative. Aside from being the Webmaster of the Yale Friends of Turkey, Mert is also an Event Manager at TEDxYale and a member of the Electrical Engineering Team of Yale Undergraduate Aerospace Association.

YFT Board in 2011-2013



Yiğit Yorulmaz, CC'14

Vice President & Treasurer

Sâbire İpek Demir, BC'14

Social Chair

Selin Ünlüönen, JE'14

Secretary & Historian

Selen Uman, YC'15

Publicity Chair

Sera Tolgay, BC'14

Assistant Treasurer

Selin İşgüven, TC'15

Intercultural Liasons

Şerif Dişi, TD'14

Sam Hamer, YC'13

Assistant Social Chair

Nick Titelbaum, CC'14


Yiğit Yorulmaz, CC'14


 More information on past boards.